STIMEX Camp Green Toilet Chemical - 1L

16th January 2025
Order Code STCGIL
Environmentally friendly Stimex Camp Green Waste Tank chemical for camping toilet waste tank.
All camping toilets need to be maintained with suitable chemicals to guarantee proper functioning every time. Stimex  Camp Green uses extremely healthy, environmentally friendly chemicals that will provide suitable maintenance and hygiene upkeep in the waste tank.

– Highly concentrated toilet liquid, designed for the waste tank of all portable, cassette and holding tank toilets

– Effective chemical composition prevents scaling and leaves a protective layer in the chemical toilet, so that feces attach to the toilet less easily, therefore increasing hygiene

– Highest attention has been given to this variety to guarantee a high biodegradable aspect and environmentally friendly ratio

– Removes unpleasant odours, breaks down bacteria, prevents gas forming and leaves a pleasant scent

– Environmentally friendly

Manufactured in the Netherlands

Volume: 1L