ROOFTOPS Bright to Dartmouth Adventure Map 2nd Edition

16th December 2024
Brand ABC Maps
ROOFTOPS Bright to Dartmouth Adventure Map 2nd Edition.  Includes Omeo, Victoriua Falls, Dinner Plain, Falls Creek, Mount Feathertop, Falls Creek, Harrietville, Bright, Mount Beauty, Dederang, Mitta Mitta, Lake Dartmouth, Glen Valley, Anglers Rest, Benambra etc.
Recommended 4X4 map for Lake Dartmouth, Mayford, Mitta Mitta, Angler's Rest, Glen Wills.
Pictorial inset on the bush huts of the Bogong - Hotham region.
A 1:50,000 scale Forest Activities Map of the Bogong, Bright and Mount Hotham Region fills the entire reverse side. 
Printed on waterproof paper.
Rooftop maps are packed with information such as Accurate Road and Forest Track Information, Forest Reserve and Park Boundaries, Fishing Access and Information, Walking Tracks and Cycle Trails, Tourist Places of Interest,  Camping Areas, Interesting features, Tidal Influences, Walking Track Notes And Much More. All in a easy to read, simple style that will please any tourist or forest user. Scale for Forest Activities maps is 1:50,000 or 2cm to 1km