Most items can be delivered anywhere in Australia. You can order online from Bairnsdale Camping & Outdoors. Otherwise you are welcome to enquire by telephone or email.
Telephone and Email Enquiries
Certain items are not available to order online due limited or uncertain stock levels, particularly spare parts. In those cases you can either click here to Telephone (03) 5153 1497 or click the “Enquire” button on the relevant website page to enquire about their availability. If we do have stock, then we will confirm the price and delivery charge for you.
The delivery charge for some very large items like kayaks, canoes and family size tents is simply not economical. Accordingly they are all "Pick Up From Store Only".
Ordering Online
It is not compulsory to either Create an Account or Sign In. You can proceed ordering online without doing so. However, you will still be asked to enter name and contact details upon checkout.
To prevent confidential details entered on our website from being intercepted by hackers, our entire website is encrypted by a Let's Encrypt SSL security certificate with 256-bit data encryption, SHA-256 signature hash algorithm, TLS 1.2 and HTTP/1.1 security protocols.
It is best to “Create an Account” with us. This way you only need to enter your Name, Email, Delivery Address and Telephone contact details once. And the next time you need something for a camping trip, you can just “Sign In” from home and immediately commence ordering.
It is easy to select specifications that we need on-screen. Just click buttons or select from drop-down lists. We have made every effort to make the online order process as simple as possible.
You get written confirmation of your order by email, and so do we. The staff here will be able to immediately begin selecting all your gear, ready for packing and dispatch.
You can return to our website and "Check the Status" of your order anytime.
Prices and Warranty
Advertised prices include 10% Goods and Services Tax. The delivery charge is calculated upon checkout. All camping and outdoor products are covered by a warranty which is provided by the relevant manufacturer.
Select the gear you require
After “Creating an Account” or (for returning customers) “Signing In”, then proceed to find all the camping gear you would like to buy and click the “Add to Cart” button.
When done ordering, view your shopping cart and proceed to Checkout.
3-Step Checkout and Payment Options
Checkout Step 1
Displays all the gear you have selected, together with specifications, prices and applicable discounts. Enter your destination Postcode and then “Update Prices” to calculate the delivery charge.
Checkout Step 2
This confirms your name, delivery address and contact details.
Then you select your preferred method of payment. We offer these options:
Debit/Credit Card or PayPal Funds
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer direct into our bank account. Our bank account details will appear in the email confirmation message.
Checkout Step 3
The final order summary confirms the Total amount payable, including GST.
If you opted to pay by Debit/Credit Card or PayPal Funds, you will see this:
If you opted to pay by EFT bank deposit, simply click the “Submit” button to send in your order by email.
Please check your Email Inbox to receive written confirmation of your order.
Dispatch Advice
Dispatch will occur within one business day following receipt of payment. We send orders by Australia Parcel Post. Expensive items are insured against loss or damage in transit, for both your peace of mind and ours.
Upon dispatch, you will receive another email message to confirm all the details, including the Parcel Tracking Number and the webpage address where you can track delivery progress.
Thank you for choosing Bairnsdale Camping & Outdoors !
Customer Reviews
What you think about our camping gear and customer service is very important to us. Your feedback is always welcome and most helpful. Please do submit your own personal review about your shopping experience at Bairnsdale Camping & Outdoors.
220 Main Street
+613 5153 1497
$1 to $2,000